Certified Organic Release Agents for Food Production

Organic Release Agents to Meet Increasing Consumer and Regulatory Demands
Pursuing healthier lifestyle choices, consumers are increasingly demanding Organic ingredients and Organic products. To take advantage of these growing demands, it can be challenging for food manufacturers to meet the strict Certified Organic, Organic Compliant or National Organic Program guidelines.
IFC Solutions makes it easy for you! Our Organic release agents will help you meet both regulatory requirements and growing consumer demands!
Our specialty Organic and Natural blending expertise offers you a wide selection of Organic release agents for effective anti-stick and food processing aid ingredients. We’ll work with you to find the right Organic ingredients for your food products.
It’s important to note, that if you are making a Certified Organic product, your Release Agents need to be Certified Organic as well. While they are still only considered to be processing aides, because they come in contact with your product, they still need to meet the same standards of your product. This is true in the same why you would need to use an Allergen-Free Release Agent on an Allergen-Free product.
Contact IFC Solutions for All of Your Natural & Organic Ingredient Needs.
Talk With Us (908) 862-8810 or Toll Free (800) 875-9393