Pet Food Production Anti-Stick and Release Agent Products

Anti-Stick Compounds to Resolve Your Pet Food Processing Sticking Challenges
At several points in the production of pet food and treats, manufacturers have to combat sticking problems that decrease efficiency and yields. IFC Solutions’ anti-stick and release agent products can be used to prevent sticking to nearly any surface your pet food product comes in contact with.
All anti-stick products from IFC Solutions are made from high quality, FDA-approved ingredients and can be custom blended to your specifications at no additional charge. Anti-stick products can also be formulated to meet Kosher, allergen-free, non-GMO, trans-fat free, and Certified Organic standards.
Contact IFC Solutions for All of Your Anti-Stick & Release Agent Needs.
Talk With Us (908) 862-8810 or Toll Free (800) 875-9393